SOPA & PIPA ... the argument's not over.
Panama News interviewed international musicians, including Varoon on their perspective on SOPA & PIPA. Following appeared in The Panama News, Volume 18, Number 1, January 27, 2012 ..
The Panama News consulted a number of musicians here and abroad --- the most famous of whom did not answer --- about the proposed US legislation and the issues involved. We asked, in English or Spanish as appropriate, these questions:
As a musician who could be affected by US "anti-piracy" laws like the proposed SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect Intellectual Property Act), and the existing laws such as were used to shut down the New Zealand-based website Megaupload:
Following are some of their responses.
- Do you support or oppose laws that prohibit music file sharing on the Internet?
- Do you support or oppose worldwide regulation of the Internet by US laws?
- The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) says that about this subject it defends the interests of musicians. Do you believe that this is really so?
- What do you think that musicians need to protect their interest in profiting from their own creations in this age of the Internet?